Newsletter November 11, 2022

For me this was quite a crazy week.

Not only did the time change really hit me hard but on Monday morning I received a surprising call. I immediately felt the shock all over my body; angry, sad and confused. I took my own advice though and didn't react to this news but went right into self-care.

In summary a place I work at in healthcare was cutting ALL contractors and this included all my yoga services at 4 different sites. All cut immediately -no notice. There was a lot of confusion from different levels of management and then by the next day it was all cleared up and I was hired back. (Yes I felt like I knew a bit of what Twitter employees must be going through right now).

I share this to offer a day in my life and I'm just so glad that I didn't react but remained patient. I did take clam action and decided to reach out to other upper levels and make sure that this was cleared before I looked elsewhere. However something like this always reminds me not to be attached to my work.

Work is just what we do... it is not who we are.

For me my yoga is the practice of patience. I use the yoga so I can observe on the mat when my mind

is angry, irritable or upset and use that to practice awareness. You don't want to wait to learn this in the moment you need it... learn how to practice patience now.

That being said one of the places I work at is on hold for the rest of the year, so I have Saturday mornings open