Newsletter October 31, 2022

I was teaching a group at the residential rehab the other day and shared with them this story:

When a giraffe gives birth they are standing up so the baby falls quite far to the ground and immediately the Mother kicks the baby to teach it to get up and walk. The baby tries to stand but falls back down. Mom kicks it again until it finally gets up and walks.

What seems like really hurtful action though is the Mother understanding that if the baby doesn't walk, then they are subject to predators; therefore trying to help it live. Now I am not saying that as humans we need to kick others but here is the point of the story... there are going to be days that are hard and challenging. Someone or something may be 'kicking' us and we may not like it... but it just may be saving our life.

Considering or listening to a different view requires us to be aware. Compassion is a learned behavior of the brain. If we don't learn it we will simply live our life in reaction states. Pause though and find times today to observe just when you are reacting and maybe say to yourself "this is the giraffe kicking me".