Newsletter November 25, 2022 Thankful


Next week in the United States we will take the day to be thankful.

Many of us don't wait for that single day though and find times each day to pause and step away from our every day worries and consider others.

By practicing compassion it doesn't get rid of problems but does help us have mental clarity, balance and joy.

For some I know they were shocked with a crisis nearby at the shooting at UVA this week. I am sure that finding joy or thankfulness will be the furthest thing from their mind. Unfortunately though a crisis helps us to reevaluate our lives, what we are doing, and find meaning again. Trust that in a crisis it will hurt but it will also lead you back to a path of thankfulness again...just give it time.

However we don't have to wait for a crisis to stand up for what we believe in this world. Let us begin with right now... take a deep breath out and begin again today. How will you leave your life? Will that be with memories and inspiration? Or will it be filled with regret?

You get to leave your mark starting today. Of course this will be hard for those dealing with grief but find comfort in community, get up each day, eat, go outside. Keep moving forward.

Let us demonstrate to the world what kindness, love and thankfulness really is.