Newsletter June 10, 2022

I took this picture on a visit to the cat cafe in Georgetown and just loved how this kitten curled up in the basket, that was too tiny, but they didn't care. Even with all the noise around them they slept. Fatigued...sure but they learned to turn within and find some peace.

We all experience fatigue and exhaustion but sometimes won't allow ourselves permission to rest. We will tell ourselves we can't stop or that we are lazy. Others worry that if they rest they will feel worse after.

Not allowing is harmful and often can be a cause for many illnesses and disease. Which is why medical professionals suggest yoga practices. I find that many are used to over-riding what the body wants and need someone else to help them improve their awareness. The body has hormones that are messengers to the brain and that is just one signal going from the body to the brain that may be causing us to feel fatigued and tired. Over time hormones, like the cortisol or thyroid are tired of running all the time; these hormones don't stop but then borrow from other parts of the body. Often times when it becomes serious we start hormone therapy, however we may be chasing a symptom and not the under-lying problem. That is where yoga may shine a light and help you. You may have to unlearn behavior that was taught and reverse the harmful effects that are telling the brain to stress or worry at times when we need to rest. This isn't easy and exactly why you may want some private sessions.

I hope to see you and work with you again! In the meantime stay safe and hope to see you soon! Jai!
