Newsletter article May 11, 2022 - Injury and Prevention

I was working with a 15 year old at the school I work at and I am teaching him 'health and wellness'. We were talking the other day about injury and prevention. As we wrapped up I asked him his take away points and ways he could avoid injury and he responded with "don't do anything stupid".

I love his honesty and of course I wish it was that easy. Of course for a young person he see's answers as being that simple. However has a very good point; we can all benefit if we pause so we can see if the action we are about to take is, as he called it, 'stupid'.

As adults though we know that the answer is harder than simply saying it. Human kind will make the mistake of thinking and not taking action or we will take action without thinking. So how do we know which direction to take? Practices that help us to pause and listen may help. However the goal of the practice isn't to be perfect and we will experience injuries; I had one myself four weeks ago when I broke my foot. However with my injury came many choices and decisions I had to make for myself and I needed mental clarity then as well. Making time for restorative yoga and mediation became even more important for me.

As you will see I am returning to 532Yoga for Sound Bowl and Yoga Nidra this Sunday. This is a hybrid class so you can come in person or join us online. I am donating my time again to help the space raise funds. Everywhere I teach I am seeing hard economic times so anything you can spare is appreciated so we can ensure that spaces like 532Yoga remain there in the future. So if you can't attend now maybe you can spare a donation to help this small independent woman owned business. I know she would appreciate it.

If you can attend be sure to register as spaces are limited and they are starting to fill up.

Be sure to check my new video that has some yoga practices to help your health and if you register on Youtube to the account you will be notified when I post the next video.

In the meantime stay safe and hope to see you soon! Jai!
