Newsletter December 15, 2022 - Reaction

It is normal to react. Since the first part of our brain developed, with the brain stem, we reacted to warn and protect us. However our brain grew and developed; therefore we gained more ways to interpret experiences.

Just remember this when you are busy judging or feeling negative. Each of us does this because that is a habit. But learn to wait a moment and use other parts of the brain as well.

What else can you observe in the moment? Is there another way to respond differently or with kindness? Do you understand why you are reacting this way? Is it based on fear, anger or worry? Are you fatigued, hungry or upset? Is a response even needed by this point? Are you worried of hurting someone's feelings?

Also consider:

Is it possible that are we reacting because we are different than we wanted to be?


Maybe we observed others being praised for their situation

Or even more common:

We found ourselves being celebrated only for our achievements

rather than for who we are

What if we took the word "different" and thought of that differently?

Notice times this holiday where we do react to the

messages of approval and instead check on yourself...

...learn to love yourself for who you are

because that is truly what matters.

Then find time to be with those who truly love You for You.

I appreciate you and hope you will have a great holiday and if you are stressed and need some help before the holiday I hope to see you online this Sunday.

If I don't see you have a safe holiday and happy new year!


"Have a good day for no reason"