Newsletter Aug 2, 2023

I heard a story that I remembered and wanted to share...

There was a farmer and one day his only horse ran away. The community came by and said "oh what a shame this happened to you" and the farmer replied "maybe".

The next day the horse returned and with more horses as well. The community came by and said "oh what a wonderful blessing" and the farmer replied "maybe".

Days later the farmers son was riding one of the horses, fell off and broke his leg. The community came by and said "oh what a sad thing to have happened" and the farmer replied "maybe".

Many days later a war broke out and the son was pardoned from the draft because of his broken leg. The community came by and said "oh what luck that he was pardoned and you didn't loose your son" and the farmer replied "maybe".

The point of this story is that we are often quick to categorize events happening to us as good or bad. However sometimes if we wait, we will learn that maybe there are multiple feelings and even purposes to be revealed later as well.

Maybe is my favoriate word because it allows me to stop worrying in the moment. From there I can be with the reality of now; discover ways to be with what is here. Even if that experience isn't joyful, it may have more to reveal. So give it time.

My yoga practice is focused on more than movement. I practice pauses in my thought with my breath. Maybe becomes is like a comma. A big pause. What else can we say about the moment? This way I can apply this way of thinking in daily life as well; which often shifts pain, anxiety and stress. Science is still studying the connection of the body to the mind. Pain doesn't begin in your thought. How we hold it in our body is the yoga practice.

How will you find ways to be with reality in your day?

Where can you use "maybe" more?


Last week I finished teaching yoga at gym I have worked at for over 7 years. The building management didn't renew the contract and therefore didn't maintain any of the staff... including me. It was sad to leave of course, as I have enjoyed helping many there; often many with an introduction to yoga. I had one student, who I hardly knew there, who just made a donation to me on my website. Why I wondered. They specifically thanked me for helping them recover from their knee surgery and that they would miss my classes. So just like the story above, we may have disappointing news but just wait... it may reveal more over time. Maybe!

Of course I hope to see you soon either online or in person.

My social media links are also listed below (see the icons).

In the meantime stay safe and have a wonderful summer!
