Newsletter article March 30, 2021

I wasn't planning on it but the school I teach at, Fusion Academy, has off this week and I also heard that many others are off this week for Spring break so then I thought... I could just take time off myself.

So I did... yep I had a meeting... with myself and sat with the idea and immediately my body knew it was needed. How often do we override what our body is saying? Quite. The body sends a message and the brain tries to makes sense of it and over processes it to twist it around. So I am taking my own advice. I will be around for the yoga therapy series that is starting this Saturday April 3rd. Otherwise I will see many of you the week of April 5th for group classes.

I want to say thank you to all who contribute, write me directly and are coming to classes. Some pay for workshops and pay above the suggested rate and that helps to cover the charges I pay to the processing companies. Some can't afford to pay but they do help by spreading the word around, passing along social media posts and even asking their workplace for a special workshop. I continue to thank you so much for your support.

These times are strange and for many they are dealing with many emotional concerns and coming to yoga is the furthest thing on their mind. Don't feel bad if you have been away and just know that in my heart I do think of you often and hope you are ok. I hope that you will listen to yourself and that our paths will cross again.

Be safe and remember that having the vaccine isn't a free pass. Please follow CDC guidelines and wear the mask. By doing so you are helping others. Even if your state says it isn't a requirement remember that there is much we do for others that isn't a law... we do it because it is the right thing to do.

Have a good holiday for no reason!
